Gilad Turok

Aspiring Mad Scientist


Hey :wave:! I’m currently a Research Analyst at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics working with Bob Carpenter.

My research interests broadly include:

  • probablistic machine learning (generative models, diffusion)
  • computational statistics (Bayesian inference, MCMC sampling)
  • LLMs (scaling laws)

I graduated from Columbia University with a B.A. in Applied Mathematics.

I’m also interested in many topics outside of research: philosophy, fitness, evolutionary psychology, comedy, open source software, etc.

I love when people reach out – so please do!


Jul 1, 2024 Attending ISBA 2024 in Venice, Italy and presenting a poster.
May 9, 2023 Interning at the Flatiron Institute with Chirag Modi and Bob Carpenter.

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  1. drghmc_dynamic_stepsize.png
    Sampling from multiscale densities with delayed rejection generalized Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
    Gilad Turok, Chirag Modi, and Bob Carpenter